Every year, 13 million Americans suffering from serious spinal disc conditions visit their doctors in search of relief. A laminectomy is an all-too-commonly performed surgical procedure that attempts to alleviate back pain by removing the lamina (bone), the back of the vertebra that surrounds the spinal column. At The Disc Institute®, we have developed a revolutionary, new, 100% non-invasive treatment for disc-related conditions – without the need for surgery, pain, or lengthy recovery times.
A laminectomy, more commonly known as spinal decompression surgery, is performed by removing the back protective ring of a vertebral bone, called a lamina. The idea behind the surgery is that without the lamina, pressure in the spine will decrease and the spinal cord and nerves will have more room to properly function. Unfortunately, that approach does not address the original problem that caused the pain in the first place; just like cutting the top of a show off when your foot is swollen doesn’t heal the swollen foot. A laminectomy is routinely prescribed when routes like medication and physical therapy have failed. Conditions such as spinal stenosis, herniated disc, and bone spurs on the spine are the most frequent reasons laminectomies are performed.
Like any type of back surgery, laminectomies come with great risks.
These include damage to the spine, infections, heart attack, stroke, paralysis, little or no relief from the procedure, complete return of symptoms, and even death. There is no guarantee that a laminectomy will cure your back pain for good. The Disc Institute®’s IntraDiscNutrosis® may be your answer. Our breakthrough approach harnesses a disc’s abilities to repair itself by providing specific circulation to the disc. The treatment is completely non-invasive and non-surgical.
IntraDiscNutrosis® is not chiropractic, physical therapy, laser, injections or spinal surgery: it is an entirely new way to painlessly address issues like degenerative disc disease, slipped disc, herniated disc, bulging disc, sciatica, and more. And IntraDiscNutrosis® is 100% non-invasive.
Steer clear of the dangers of a laminectomy, and see if IntraDiscNutrosis® is right for you. Schedule an appointment with a Disc Institute® near you to see if you are a candidate to avoid back surgery.